The Eupatheia Center promotes wisdom, clarity, and growth through strengths-focused psychological services.

We are a second-generation clinical psychology practice with providers who specialize in…

  • Psychotherapy

  • Psychodiagnostic Evaluation

  • Psychological Testing

We offer virtual appointments in Georgia and Florida or in-office appointments at our office in Brunswick, GA.

Our providers Brendan C. Engen PsyD, Clinical Psychologist and Shayna Denham LPC , Professional Counselor welcome clients of all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds.


NEW Cognitive Screener - measures 12 cognitive functions. Featured on CNN, BBC, Discovery Channel.

NEW Cognitive Screener - measures 12 cognitive functions. Featured on CNN, BBC, Discovery Channel.

Psychological Testing…

psychological testing south Georgia

Psychological Testing

We offer comprehensive psychological evaluations using leading technologies to confirm the following diagnoses: for ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Mood Disorders, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD and Learning Disorders. We work with children (from age 2+), adolescents and adults. Find out more


Methodology for Psychodiagnostic Evaluations

Dr Engen’s goal with his evaluations is to provide an accurate and integrated conception of the person, highlighting the individual’s psychological patterns as well as their measurable strengths and weaknesses. He evaluates several different areas of an individual’s functioning such as behavior, affect, cognition, motivational dynamics, sociality and interpersonal functioning, familial and environmental context, and physiology; essentially, what makes the person psychologically unique. Rather than focus too much on pathology and deficits, he illuminates an individual’s strengths which can help them navigate life better based on their repertoire.

Dr Engen uses CREYOS, a leading-edge technology system (formerly Cambridge Brain Systems), that effectively administers complex tests remotely and in-office, as well as specialized tests such as the Millon and Minnesota, and standardized tests such as Conners, Wechsler, Kaufman, Becks.



Interpersonal Psychotherapy, Supportive-Expressive Therapy, Pattern-Focused Therapy.

Build a more fulfilling and relationally satisfying life with the help of Dr Engen or Shayna Denham, LPC. Complete our patient application form to start today.


Do not forget: one needs little to lead a happy life.
— Marcus Aurelius



664 Scranton Rd Ste 201, Brunswick, GA 31520

Click here for directions to our office

The Waycross location is permanently closed.

Contact Us

Phone & Text ::  912-285-1610
Fax ::  912-285-2595

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